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Can Turmeric (Curcumin) Help a Total Knee Replacement?

Inflammation can increase knee stiffness before and after a total knee replacement. Before surgery, severe arthritis causes inflammation in the articular cartilage of the knee resulting in pain and swelling.
It may be beneficial to take a turmeric supplement with a high dose of curcuminoids to prepare for surgery. Studies show that taking 1500 mg of turmeric extract daily (turmeric extract contains mostly curcuminoids) for 28 days can reduce knee joint pain and improve physical function.
However, you may want to stop taking turmeric 1-2 weeks before your surgery because turmeric can thin the blood and interact with medications so check with your doctor before taking it.
During surgery, your knee will undergo soft tissue trauma. (Don't search YouTube for total knee replacement because they look scary). Total knee replacements are usually successful but your knee will be recovering for up to 1 year after the surgery.
Assuming you checked with your doctor, you may want to supplement with a turmeric supplement 1-2 weeks after your surgery to promote a better inflammation response, reduce knee pain, and improve function.
Watch this video by Physical Therapist, Dr. Marc Robinson to learn how a turmeric supplement could help you after a total knee replacement.

About Dr. Marc Robinson, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT